

5 Tips On:

How To Win The Facebook Algorithm Dance Off

Five Tips On How To Win The Facebook Algorithm Dance Off

Facebook is famous for its algorithm, and I’m not talking about keeping the beat. It helps to keep up-to-date on its changes so that you can adjust your social media strategy in kind. Below are some tips to keep it moving and grooving in your favor: 

#1: Keep The Conversation Going 

Engagement is key. The more likes, shares, comments, etc. your posts have, the more Facebook will grant them passage to your user’s eyes. 

Tip: The heart, angry face and teardrop sad face and other emotion emojis earn more points with the algorithm than just the “like” button. Therefore, post things that provoke emotion. 

#2: Stay Away From Controversy

Facebook has certain rules: No offensive posts, political posts, posts with misinformation, especially, misleading health information (be careful if your product or service is rooted in the health care industry). Most recently, social issues like race, violence and suicide among others are big no-nos. If Facebook flags your ad or disables your ad account, be sure to get in touch with Facebook customer service right away so you can make it right. 

Tip:  Stay away from pronouns like “you” and “yours” Facebook takes the use of these pronouns as an aggressive way to target people. YOU know what I mean? Yes, I’m talkin’ to YOU! Instead, find ways to offer value and/or keep it conversational. 

#3: When It Comes To Video, Longer Is Better

Strictly speaking, the Facebook algorithm favors videos longer than three minutes. Just be weary because video length in the context of social media is an endless maze of contradictions. 

Tip:  Be sure to research format and length restrictions depending on platform. For example, you cannot post a video longer than 1 minute in the Instagram feed, but you can in IGTV. Go figure.

#4: Post Often, Consistently And At The Right Times

This is a no-brainer, but just so you know, if you fall off of your post schedule, there will be consequences coming from the Facebook algorithm. While timing is somewhat of a toss up these days, especially since Facebook’s algorithm doesn’t abide by chronological order, still it’s best to post when most people are engaging. Wednesdays seem to be the best day between 8 am and 3 pm while weekends tend to be the worst days for engagement. It’s best to look at your own analytics to determine when your followers are engaging most. 

Tip: Go to Facebook “Insights” and click on “posts” to see a chart that shows specific times of the day when your users are engaging most. This will help to guide you when scheduling future posts. 

#5: Become A Groupie

Creating a Facebook group will help your content get passed around a lot more than a business page. Facebook decided to favor groups because, once again, they want to encourage authentic engagement. What’s the difference between a Page and a Group?  Think of the page as the front part of your business, where anyone can enter. The group is the secret back room where club members receive VIP treatment. It’s a place for more detailed conversation and exchange of ideas, where you speak more directly to your customers as if they were hanging out with you in your living room. 

Tip#: It’s best to avoid cross posting from page to group. Your group is supposed to be unique, conversational and exclusive.  For example,  you might post that you have a new ice cream flavor of rose and ivy (pretend it’s a fancy ice cream joint) coming out on your page, but on the group page, you might ask them about their favorite memory of roses and share why you were inspired to make the new flavor. 


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