

Demystifying #Hastags

& How They Benefit Your Social Media Strategy

Demystifying #Hashtags And How They Benefit Your Social Media Marketing Strategy 

The reason hashtags need to be demystified is because they serve multiple purposes. Seems like most folks know at least one of the functions of a hashtag, but let me lay out all of them for you right here and #now: 

  1. The simplest definition of hashtags is that they are searchable keywords that help people find related content under a specific theme or category. So if I searched for #cutepuppies (redundant, I know), I would find, you guessed it! A whole slew of photos, posts and accounts related to those irresistible, cutie-patutie, wittle, fur babies that I could just eat for breakfast, lunch and dinner! What? Oh. Sorry. I’ll stop now. 
  2. Trending Hashtags- these types of hashtags are usually related to Twitter. There can be trending topics or conversations that are more current under a particular hashtag, like, say, for example, I dunno….#COVID19! Wish that hashtag trend would go away soon. #Sheesh!
  3. Oh. And that right there is another example of hashtag use: to express emotions, jokes, inner thoughts, sarcastic commentary, etc. Basically, another way to communicate as humans. #ohthehumanity! 


Couple more things about hashtags: 

  • Any hashtag, if promoted by enough individuals, can “trend” and attract more individual users to discussion. 
  • You can use hashtags to promote a particular event- like #christmascancelledparty – I know that’s a bit of a long one, but you get the idea.
  • Careful of using hashtags that are too broad like #things That’s really not going to help your service or product get noticed, but rather lost in a sea of, well, things. 
  • You can use hashtags on basically any platform now including YouTube, LinkedIn, and even Tik Tok, but Instagram and Twitter are still the top platforms where hashtags have the most use and purpose. 

Bottom line: it is beneficial to use hashtags in your posts. Sure, there is more info about how many, which ones, etc. that I am sure will be in a future blog soon (penciling it in right now), but at least, for the time being you know what they are, why they are and how they can help your social media marketing strategy. #goodluck! #hopethishelped #bye

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